Want to have Keto Eggnog Cookies? Here's an Easy Sugar Free Recipe for you to try!

 Love eggnog flavour? Here's something for you 

We all have our own food choices and favourite flavours. One of the flavours that a lot of people love is the eggnog flavour. The eggnog flavour is something that goes well with beverages. That is why eggnog drinks are classic. But we can also make other recipes with that eggnog flavour. Guess what! We can make keto eggnog. Yes! Your favourite flavour can be made diet friendly with less carbs and calories. Also, you can go sugar free with our easy keto eggnog recipe. So read on to know how to make keto eggnog cookies. 

Ingredients for keto eggnog cookies 

Our recipe of keto eggnog cookies is very easy to make. For the cookies, you need 

  • 1 egg 

  • Unflavoured coconut oil 

  • Almond flour 

  • Salt (as per your taste) 

  • Goodgood's Sweet like sugar 

For the eggnog flavour 

  • Goodgood's Vanilla Stevia drops 

  • Goodgood's cinnamon stevia drops 

  • Nutmeg spice 

How to make keto eggnog cookies? 

This is an easy keto eggnog recipe

  1. Take the almond flour in a large mixing bowl. 

  2. Add coconut oil. The oil should be soft enough to blend. (If it is not, then microwave it for 10 seconds). 

  3. Beat it with one egg. The dough should be soft.

  4. Add salt, Goodgood's sweet like sugar, stevia drops vanilla, stevia drops cinnamon, and nutmeg spice in the dough and beat it all together. 

  5. Scoop out the batter and drop it on parchment paper over a baking tray. 

  6. Flatten your mixture and bake it in a preheated oven for about 15 mins or till your cookies turn golden brown. 

  7. Let it cool. Take it out and enjoy! 

The eggnog flavour lies in the vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon. 

Extra Tip - You can also make frosted cookies by making your frosting with these three ingredients and piping it out and freezing it. You can also add eggnog glaze over your cookies with these three flavours. 

Your keto eggnog is ready! 

About Stevia Drops Cinnamon and Vanilla 

Stevia drops are naturally flavoured, sugar free sweeteners that you can add to your dishes/drinks and enjoy goodness without any worry. We have a range of stevia drops flavours. Two of them are cinnamon and vanilla. We also have peppermint, coconut, strawberry, raspberry, caramel, lemon, etc. Have a look at the benefits of these stevia drops. 

  • These are made from 100% natural ingredients. 

  • These are naturally sweetened using stevia, a plant based natural sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. 

  • These have absolutely zero carbs and zero calories.

  • These drops are absolutely vegan and vegetarian friendly. 

  • These are the best sugar free substitutes that have flavour and sweetness both and are healthy. 

  • These are diabetic friendly too and your blood sugar level won't get affected. 

Adding these in your dishes/drinks ensures keto friendly and healthy outcomes so that you enjoy! 

Benefits of sweet like sugar 

We have a natural sugar free sweetener that can replace your regular sugar. And this one is loaded with a lot of benefits. Firstly, it is sweetened with stevia which is natural and healthy. This has no carbohydrates and calories and is perfect for a keto diet. Then, this sweetener is vegan, vegetarian and diabetic friendly too! Your blood sugar level will be intact. It helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease which sugar can cause a lot. With these qualities, our sweet like sugar is the best natural sugar free sweetener. Add it in place of sugar in reduced amounts and you will still get the same tastes. 

Ways to connect with us 

You can reach us via our official website www.goodgood.net. We also have our social media accounts where you can contact us. Here are the links - 




Choose healthy and enjoy 

Now you can enjoy healthy eating and diets without compromising on tastes with us. To place an order or find more recipes like keto eggnog drinks or other, visit us on our website. Choose goodness, taste and health with Goodgood and enjoy! 


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