5 Things that Make Good Good Sweet Strawberry Jam Special

Strawberry flavoured jam has been the top choice of the people for years. But all regular jams are actually made with refined sugar making it unhealthy. With sugar you invite a lot of problems like increased obesity, high calories and carbs and other such issues. So then, what can be done? You can shift to a healthy alternative with good good sweet strawberry jam and replace your regular one! Well, what makes this sweet strawberry jam by good good company so special? Read here to find out all about it. 

  1. Naturally sweetened using Stevia 

This sweet strawberry jam will taste just as your regular sugar induced jams but this good good sweet strawberry jam does not have sugar. The sweetness comes from the real, juicy, red strawberries and are further sweetened using plant based natural sweeteners like stevia and erythritol. These are two hundred times sweeter as compared to the refined sugar and that's why just a small amount of it is enough. Take a dollop of this sweet strawberry jam and you will surely love it! 

  1. Keto friendly 

With this new fixation on keto diets, a lot of people are wanting to go on a keto diet. As it's a low carb and low sugar diet, you are asked to leave a lot of things. But this sweet strawberry jam by good good company fits perfectly into the keto diet chart with zero carbs and calories and no artificial sugar. You don't have to wait for a cheat day now to have your favourite sweet jams. Pair this sweet strawberry jam with your keto dishes and enjoy it! 

  1. Vegan friendly 

Well, this jam is absolutely vegan friendly. It does not contain any kind of animal products nor any kind of dairy products in it. It only has the plant based materials making it absolutely vegan, healthy, low carb, low fat and low calorie jam. 

  1. Gluten friendly 

Many people have recently come to know about gluten allergies and now they want to have gluten free products. In line with this, the sweet strawberry jam by good good is absolutely gluten free and you can have it easily. It won't aggravate your allergies at all. 

  1. Diabetic friendly with no added sugars 

To all those dealing with increased blood sugar levels, this sweet strawberry jam is absolutely diabetic friendly. Because it contains no added sugar and only has natural sweeteners, it does not fiddle with the blood sugar levels in the body. The sweetness you get in this jam is because of the real berries and stevia and erythritol.  

All these healthy reasons make this good good sweet strawberry jam so special and a must try! Here, find their sweet strawberry jam on this link- https://eu.goodgood.net/products/sweet-strawberry-jam.

Replace your regular strawberry jam with this sweet strawberry jam by Good Good and relish your favourite dishes along with the benefit of good health.


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