Should you have Keto Strawberry Lemonade?

You might think natural sweeteners should be included in a ketogenic diet meal plan or not as keto-friendly

strawberry lemonade has gained a lot of popularity nowadays, so you must be wondering if you should

buy them or not. Is it keto or not? Some natural sweeteners, including maple syrup, agave,

coconut sugar, or honey, can not only spike your blood sugar levels but also kick you out of ketosis.

Thankfully, plant-based sweeteners are available with us, which can help you in sweetening your

coffee, tea, or any other keto recipes and satisfy your sugar cravings. Above all, stevia is relatively

healthy too. 

What is Stevia?

The natives of South America found a leafy shrub in the jungle thousands of years back, and the same

shrub featured leaves that had a delightful taste. And now the leaves are known as Stevia. While it was

a relatively new discovery years back, currently Stevia is regarded as the world’s best and the safest

natural sweetening agent. It is the only natural sweetener that offers the same taste as sugar and it is

relatively very low in calories. Stevia is an optimal sweetening agent especially preferred by those who

want to limit their consumption of sugar without having to give up on sweetness of taste.

All you need to know about our stevia drops:

A wonderful kitchen essential that can be used for a multitude of food and drink options, our stevia

drops are amazingly flavorsome and convenient to use. You can consume these drops by adding

only 5-6 droop of Sweet Drops in your Cup of Coffee, Tea, Smoothie, Protein Shake, or Baking.

Above all, we guaranteeto make your life sweeter than ever. Some of the features of our stevia drops include:

Natural Sugar-Free Substitute 

Stevia is a perfectly flavored natural sugar free substitute that tastes exactly the same as sugar. This
means enjoying your favorite desserts without worrying about your sugar intake!
  • Does Not Affect Blood Sugar 
    While eating sugar on a regular basis can cause diabetes and a spike in blood sugar, you do not need to worry about anything like this when it comes to stevia consumption.

  • Zero Carbs and Zero Calories
    Eating carbs can be particularly bad for those who are following a ketogenic diet. Eating too many calories can be a bad idea for those who are willing to lose weight and get fitter in the long run. Our stevia drops are composed of zero carbs and contain almost zero calories, so it is a win win for you!

Why Is Stevia Your Best bet?

  • Sugar-free

  • Low carb

Above all, our stevia is a healthier choice than other sugar substitutes because of the three qualities

listed above; besides that, there are a plethora of claims that stevia has its own health benefits.

The best part of our diabetic-friendly stevia drops is that they are an optimal sugar-free substitute.

Trust us when we say that they will go amazingly well when used as a Key ingredient in making

lemonade. Choose our Strawberry flavored stevia drops to make Keto Strawberry Lemonade. The 100% naturally sweetened slides are ideal for everyone, including keto, vegans, and vegetarians.

Additionally, the GuaranĂ­ tribe of the Amazon has used the sweetener extracted from the stevia plant

for centuries now. You can choose our other flavors also including Original, Chocolate, Caramel,

Peppermint, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Coconut, Raspberry, Grape, and Lemon.

The ingredients of the strawberry stevia drops include Water, sweetener (steviol glycosides), natural

flavor, preservative (potassium sorbate), antioxidant (ascorbic acid).

Satisfy the Cravings:

When it comes to eliminating carbs and sugars it may seem like it’s going to be difficult because you

have to eliminate carbs, and sugars may seem like it's going to be difficult. Hence with strawberry

stevia drops, you can satisfy your cravings through a yummy glass of Keto Strawberry Lemonade!

Try this simple recipe without worrying about the consumption of calories (Thanks to Stevia) and enjoy

this drink whenever you feel so! To know more about Keto Strawberry Lemonade as well as

Good Good’s other tasteful products, simple log on to


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